(back to my carrd)


> great! just. great.

> the end is coming and he's not here.

not that i should expect him to be.1081 does live here, but it's more like having a raccoon in your house... exactly like that, actually.>

very well. we are a few minutes away from the end of the world, and i am here alone.> what should i do?

> oh, neat. we get to see it happen!> sit on the bed.

that's... right. we get to see it happen! we'll be around to welcome the new normal.and, until that happens...> sit on the bed!

> i am going to miss this bed.
> does this HAVE to end?

i mean. sure, it's kind of mediocre.and it smells sickeningly sweet since that time 1081 spilled vainilla essence on it and forgot to clean it fast.>

and i do have to share it with him because neither of us wants to sleep on the floor...>

...we should throw it out and buy one of these beds that are immense for no reason! and maybe get a better apartment...>

oh, right. world's ending. maybe some other day?> this doesn't have to end, right?

yes?? i mean, it's not that it's going to last long. once the options run out you're going to leave, and I'll be alone again.

they let me be self aware, "as a treat". whatever that means.... but, if you stay long enough, we might get to see someone come by. right?> let's stay.
> let's leave.



hi, 1.hi, 2.> nice to see you.